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Cybersecurity in Digital India

Author(s) Koyel Ghosh
Country India
Abstract In the age of information, communication, and technology, cybersecurity has evolved into a complex and rapidly evolving security concern (ICT). Cyber threats seem likely to infiltrate every nook and cranny of national economies and infrastructure as ICT dependence spreads across the globe; in fact, the increased use of computers and Internet-based networking has been accompanied by an increase in cyberattack incidents worldwide that target people, companies, and governments. ICT is also increasingly being viewed by certain countries as a battlefield where strategic wars can be fought as well as a strategic asset to be used for the reasons of national security. The importance of cybersecurity in the current security discussion is examined in this study, which deepens the analysis by considering the cybersecurity field from the standpoint of India.
Keywords Cybersecurity, Information Technology, ICT
Field Computer > Network / Security
Published In Volume 4, Issue 6, November-December 2022
Published On 2022-12-13
Cite This Cybersecurity in Digital India - Koyel Ghosh - IJFMR Volume 4, Issue 6, November-December 2022. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2022.v04i06.1175
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