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Evalution Of The Efficacy Of Ayurveda Treatment On PCOS

Author(s) Dr Namrata Patel, Dr Bhavna Sahu, Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava
Abstract Polycystic ovarian syndrome known by the name of Stein Leventhal Syndrome. It is systemic endocrine and metabolic disorder and considered as gynaecological disorders. It is almost growing faster among young women (age 18-44 yrs) coming for infertility. Infertility is by far the most common feature due to an ovulation hirsutism obesity and enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts on the outer edge. In ayurveda few disease in group of yonivyapad (like arajaskalohitkshaya, vandhya, puspaghani, jatiharini) and arthavakshaya have some similarities with this entity but easily recognition and intervention such as the development of further complication and treatment may involve lifestyle changes such as weight loss and exercise. In allopathy hormonal therapy, medical and surgical treatment are advised according to need and severity of disease. In Ayurveda prevention of disease by following pathyaaaharvihar, kapha reducing and insulin resembling and obstruction clearing aushadh can helps to prevent PCOS. This disease involves pitta, kapha, meda and ambuvahashrotus andaartavadhatu. Therefore the present study was carried out for clinical evaluation of the efficacy of Ayurveda treatment on PCOS.
Keywords Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, PCOS, Ayurved, Yonivyapad
Field Biology > Medical / Physiology
Published In Volume 1, Issue 2, September-October 2019
Published On 2019-09-13
Cite This Evalution Of The Efficacy Of Ayurveda Treatment On PCOS - Dr Namrata Patel, Dr Bhavna Sahu, Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava - IJFMR Volume 1, Issue 2, September-October 2019.

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