International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Technological Innovation in Libraries

Author(s) Narmada Bhat, J S Vinuta
Country India
Abstract As per Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, the library is a mountain establishment. Even in today’s digital age, this law holds true. The traditional library is being converted into a digital library and the new name library is being used in the library today and the name of the library has also been changed and it is called Library and Resource Centre instead of library. In the library Subsequently, numerous administrations have started using computers in late 1960s. By early 1970s several indexing and Conceptualizing journals were available for library submissions, Index Medicus, Chemical abstracts, Biological Summaries etc. Far from being a simple source of books and media, today’s libraries serve as irreplaceable properties for everything from data analytics to 3-D printing and opening lessons in coding. Today modern library to take in the changing faces of its patrons and respond consequently. Every demographic is dissimilar, but there are countless ways that the modern library can answer to recent trends and offer data and resources that are both advanced and pertinent to its users.
Digital librarian and self-determining consultant, helps us look at how libraries are using technology to improve facilities for customers today. Advanced libraries are using digital tools like Digital maker labs offer customers the chance to learn and use some of the most cutting-edge technology. From 3D printers, Computer controlled CNC (Computer Numerical Control) routers, to hot presses for T-shirts and Laser cutter-engravers, Maker Labs are popping up in libraries all over the Abroad.
Published In Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2020
Published On 2020-12-31
Cite This Technological Innovation in Libraries - Narmada Bhat, J S Vinuta - IJFMR Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2020. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2020.v02i06.1714
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