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Volume 7 Issue 2
March-April 2025
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A Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Effectiveness of Warm Foot Soak Therapy on Reduction of Blood Pressure among Hypertensive Patients
Author(s) | Renjitha Ravi, Ranjana Verma, Dr. Jisa George T, Dr. Ankur Joshi |
Country | India |
Abstract | Introduction : Hypertension is known as the “silent killer” because of its uncertain symptom. Therefore, early detection efforts are needed such as regular blood pressure check and effective management. Both Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological management strategies for hypertension. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of one of the non-pharmacological management : “warm water foot soak therapy” in reduction of blood pressure among hypertensive patients. Method : Experimental study design - Randomized Controlled Trial was conducted among 60 hypertensive patients using convenient sampling technique. Participants were randomly and equally allocated into Experimental and Control group with the help of computer generated randomization list. Sequentially Numbered Opaque Sealed Envelope (SNOSE) were used for allocation concealment. Experimental group received “Warm foot soak therapy” of both feet for 10-15 cm above ankle in warm water of temperature 37-40 degree Celsius for 15 minutes, once a day for 3 consecutive days. Before and after intervention blood pressure assessment were taken in both groups. Data were analyzed using SPSS ver. 27 Result : Homogenity of socio-demographic, clinical and pre-intervention blood pressure among both groups were statistically established using chi-square test (p> 0.05). Paired t test concluded that, warm foot soak therapy were having statistically significant effect on blood pressure ( p < 0.05) and there was a significant reduction in blood pressure among hypertensive patients (p=0.01). The study also discovered that there is no significant association between selected sociodemographic & clinical variables with pre-interventional change in blood pressure except for the dietary pattern (Veg) in both groups & presence of comorbidity (DM) in experimental group among hypertensive patients at level of significance 0.05. Conclusion : The study demonstrated that warm foot soak therapy have an effect on reduction of blood pressure among hypertensive patients. |
Keywords | Hypertension, Warm foot soak therapy, Reduction of blood pressure, hypertensive patients, non- pharmacological management |
Field | Biology > Medical / Physiology |
Published In | Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2024 |
Published On | 2024-04-20 |
Cite This | A Randomized Controlled Trial to Assess the Effectiveness of Warm Foot Soak Therapy on Reduction of Blood Pressure among Hypertensive Patients - Renjitha Ravi, Ranjana Verma, Dr. Jisa George T, Dr. Ankur Joshi - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i02.17783 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i02.17783 |
Short DOI | https://doi.org/gtrsvf |
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