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Volume 7 Issue 2
March-April 2025
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Characterization of Fusarium Equiseti KUSF0105 with Respect to in-vitro Phosphate Solubilization under Varying Cultural Parameters
Author(s) | Dr. Roushan Islam, Dr. Bejoysekhar Datta |
Country | India |
Abstract | Presence of soluble phosphorous in the soil is an important determining factor for the overall growth and the development of the agricultural crops. Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms are the potential candidates for releasing the soluble phosphates from its bound complexes and thus make them available to the plants in utilizable forms. The present study was conducted to determine the effects of various culture parameters on the phosphate solubilization ability of the nonpathogenic Fusarium equiseti MF803160 isolated from soil sample of an agricultural field of Bamnabad village in Raninagar block II, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India. Nonpathogenic nature of the isolate was established by performing pathogenecity test on several seed plants. High phosphate solubilisation index (1.52) was found on Pikovskya agar medium. Phosphate solubilization was estimated by spectrophotometric method using molybdate vanadate reagent. Maltose (1800 ppm) and ammonium sulphate (1800 ppm) respectively were found to be most stimulatory in phosphate solubilization by the Fusarium isolate. Ammonium chloride also influenced phosphate solubilization nearly to the same extent (1780 ppm). Significantly, in acidic pH 4 (1830 ppm) and at 27°C temperature (1620 ppm), phosphate solubilization was found to be most satisfactory. Notably, with the increased in pH, phosphate solubilization declined gradually. Growth and phosphate solubilization of the isolate were completely checked at 37ºC. Thus, the Fusarium isolate could be exploited in agricultural fields as a potential phosphate biofertilizer. |
Keywords | Phosphorous, Fusarium, pathogenecity test, solubilisation index, molybdate vanadate reagent, maltose, ammonium chloride, pH, temperature, phosphate biofertilizer etc. |
Field | Biology > Agriculture / Botany |
Published In | Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023 |
Published On | 2023-03-09 |
Cite This | Characterization of Fusarium Equiseti KUSF0105 with Respect to in-vitro Phosphate Solubilization under Varying Cultural Parameters - Dr. Roushan Islam, Dr. Bejoysekhar Datta - IJFMR Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2023. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2023.v05i02.1830 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2023.v05i02.1830 |
Short DOI | https://doi.org/grwsr3 |
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