International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Measuring the Agricultural Stress under Climate Change: A Case Study of Two Districts in Maharashtra

Author(s) Sunil Bhau Bhosale, Anikumar K. Wavare
Country India
Abstract Agriculture is a culture of human interaction with the natural resources. Any change in the climatic conditions caused by temperature, rainfall and humidity has a direct hit to the agriculture sector. Agriculture is characterized by area under crop, crop production and productivity. The quality of the crops measured in terms of aroma, test, nutrient characteristics, fats, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins etc. Risk management under the agricultural stress on the part of the farmer practitioners is one of the attractions of the researchers. But the difficulty is adjudged by the measuring the risk under climatic change. Loss minimization and yield maximization tools are very useful for such research work. The regression model is fitted to measure the agricultural stress. Similarly, loss minimization and yield maximization with secured food system tool is used as an adaptive technique to manage the agriculture. Kolhapur and Solapur districts are extremes ends in various agrarian characteristics. Kolhapur belongs to moderate rainfall region, whereas the Solapur district belongs to drought region of the state.
Keywords Climate Change, Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, Precision Agriculture
Field Sociology > Economics
Published In Volume 4, Issue 3, May-June 2022
Published On 2022-06-03
Cite This Measuring the Agricultural Stress under Climate Change: A Case Study of Two Districts in Maharashtra - Sunil Bhau Bhosale, Anikumar K. Wavare - IJFMR Volume 4, Issue 3, May-June 2022.

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