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Volume 7 Issue 1
January-February 2025
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Effect of Dishwashing Detergent Baron Growth of Crop Plants
Author(s) | Pathak Trapti, Bhardwaj Nagendra, Sharma Jaimala |
Abstract | A detergent is a chemical compound or mixture of compounds used as a cleaning agent. Powder and liquid detergent can be used for cleaning, washing clothes or dishes. To study the effect of various concentrations of Vim Bar (VB) on two plant species namely Vignaradiata (mung) and Cicerarietinum (Gram) were selected for the present study. Six different concentrations of VB viz. 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4% were prepared and pot experiment was conducted. Then various morphological and biochemical parameters were studied.To study the effect of dishwash detergent (VB) on growth and reproduction, pot experiment was also conducted on Mung and Gram plants. These leguminous plants are consumed in daily diet in various capacities. The Mung is sown in the month of April as rabi crop. The Gram is sown in the month of November as Kharif crop. For the study sandy loam soil and cow dung manure were mixed in the ratio of 1:4 and filled in the twelve inch pots. Total 54 pots were taken then in each pot five seeds were sown. Six different concentrations of VB viz. 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4% was prepared and for comparison control set using tap water was also studied. For analysis standard research methods were used. The collected data were subjected to student’s‘t’ test for statistical analysis. The results of pot experiment showed that at 0.025% and 0.05% of VB stimulated plant growth in both the variety of Gram and Mung. Maximum retardation in seed production was observed at 0.4% in both detergents.VB adversely affected the plants growth. Lower concentration of detergents stimulates the plant growth, but at higher concentration the growth was adversely affected. Low concentration of detergent may be beneficial for plant growth, whereas higher concentration inhibit the plant growth. |
Keywords | Dishwashing Detergent, Baron Growth of Crop Plants |
Field | Chemistry |
Published In | Volume 1, Issue 2, September-October 2019 |
Published On | 2019-10-04 |
Cite This | Effect of Dishwashing Detergent Baron Growth of Crop Plants - Pathak Trapti, Bhardwaj Nagendra, Sharma Jaimala - IJFMR Volume 1, Issue 2, September-October 2019. |
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