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Best Practices for Reducing Truck Downtime

Author(s) Bhavya Vashisht
Country USA
Abstract Bangladesh is located in a seismically active area, and the rising number of earthquakes has alarmed the local population. Major cities of Bangladesh are under a serious threat due to defective design and structural construction. If seismic do not take under consideration building could be severely damaged under seismic loads. Thereby, taking consideration into the alarming matter, BNBC, (2017) is an upgraded version of the previous code. BNBC, (2017) has provisions for both elastic and inelastic methods of analysis for structures under strong ground motion. BNBC, (2017) proposed an equivalent static load method to design the buildings; “which yields good results within the elastic limit but it cannot predict the nonlinear behavior of the structure beyond the elastic limit”. Pushover analysis, a nonlinear technique with a few approximations and simplifications, can predict the degree of damage caused by a seismic event. Pushover analysis was specifically proposed in ATC 40, (1996) and FEMA 356 (2000). The pushover analysis approach of ATC 40, (1996), as included in “ETABS,”(2017), has been examined in this study in an effort to show its efficacy and validity(KHAN, 2013).
Keywords Capacity spectrum curve, Nonlinear hinge, Performance point, Target Displacement, Story Drifts.
Field Engineering
Published In Volume 2, Issue 3, May-June 2020
Published On 2020-06-24
Cite This Best Practices for Reducing Truck Downtime - Bhavya Vashisht - IJFMR Volume 2, Issue 3, May-June 2020. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2020.v02i03.22518
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