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Data Location and Data Type Considerations for Identifying Security Measures

Author(s) Anand Athavale
Country USA
Abstract Defining security measures is a complex process and it involves more than just InfoSec teams. Effective security measures help reduce probability and impact of a ransomware or a compliance breach. In the real world, many of those security measures are common, but those are scattered among different IT practitioners. This article elaborates on data location and data type considerations to help define a subset of security measures which cut across storage, application, and security administrators. Data location type, while driven by the purpose, may not be specified by the data owners and data operators but instead left to the discretion of IT staff, to fit within scale, budget, and architectural considerations. Data type is also derived by the data purpose but sometimes selected by the data owners or creators, based on the choices available to meet the purpose. IT and security practitioners getting ready to define security measures for data in their organization will benefit from this article, by learning the role data location type and data type plays in identifying security measures.
Keywords Information Security, Data Compliance, data security measures, Ransomware resilience
Field Fisika> Astronomi
Published In Volume 2, Issue 2, March-April 2020
Published On 2020-03-25
Cite This Data Location and Data Type Considerations for Identifying Security Measures - Anand Athavale - IJFMR Volume 2, Issue 2, March-April 2020. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2020.v02i02.22554
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