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Volume 7 Issue 2
March-April 2025
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Ayurvedic Management of Endometriosis – A Case Study
Author(s) | M K Sandhya, Prof. S B Donga |
Country | India |
Abstract | Introduction: Endometriosis is a benign gynaecological disorder defined by presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the lining of uterine cavity. This ectopic endometrial tissue behaves as normal endometrial tissue and bleeds every month. This blood may become encysted and form endometrioma. The exact prevalence is not known but estimates range from 10-15% within the woman reproductive age group. Materials and methods: A 26-year-old married patient came to the OPD of Prasutitantra evam Streeroga on 10 September 2023 with the complains of failure to conceive since four and half years along with early and scanty menses since 3 years. A chocolate cyst of size 18*21*13mm in right ovary and a haemorrhagic cyst of size 42*36*41mm in left ovary was detected by USG. She was given Virechana Karma in first cycle, followed by Matra Basti with Dashamoola Trivruta Taila for 7 days in next consecutive cycle and orally Saptasara Kashayam along with Purana Guggulu Choorna as Prakshepa and Goghruta as Anupana. Result: After treatment her USG on 31/11/2023 relieved complete resolution of the chocolate cyst. The follow-up was done for 1 month which showed no recurrence of the cyst. Discussion: Virechana eliminates the Doshas and normalizes the ovarian functions. Dashamoola Trivruta Taila Matra Basti helps in Vaatanulomana and does Tridosha Shamana, in Saptasara Kashayam most of the ingredients are having digestive, carminative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, Stroto Shodhana, Vatakaphashamana, laxative, and blood purifier properties. Guggulu when given with Saptasar Kashayam will increase the efficiency of the formulation by its Yogavahi property thus helping in breaking the pathogenesis. |
Keywords | Endometriosis, Virechana Karma, Dashamoola Trivruta Taila, Saptasara Kashayam, Purana Guggulu. |
Field | Medical / Pharmacy |
Published In | Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024 |
Published On | 2024-07-07 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i04.24119 |
Short DOI | https://doi.org/gt3xm4 |
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