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Volume 7 Issue 2
March-April 2025
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Uses of Citrus Peels for Encouraging Food Nutrition: A Review
Author(s) | Sharayu Mahendra Rangnekar, Shrikant Baslingappa Swami, Rajendra Tukaram Bhingarde, Omkar Rajendra Bhingarde |
Country | India |
Abstract | Orange peel (Citrus sinensis) belong to the family Rutaceae and it is well known promising source of multiple beneficial nutrients for human being. Global orange production is about 51 million metric tons. In India, area under citrus is 9.23 lakh hector which produces 86.08 lakh tones of fruits. Maharashtra is second largest state after Andhra Pradesh in the country and contributes to about 18.9 per cent to the total production of citrus in country. Orange peel obtains new healthy fruit products because peel friction has interesting and not very well known nutritional components such as Phenolic compound, Flavonoids, Dietary fiber. Part of orange such as peel and rind are used in food preparations. The peel of orange is use to make herbal tea, candied fruits peel and marmalade. Peels are regarded as waste material and is usually dried and ground to make citrus meal, a substitute cattle feed. Orange peels are also used as flavoring liqueurs, orange peel flavors is most desirable natural flavors. They are used in beverage, confectionery, bakery, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and perfumery industries. The citrus fruit residues, which are generally discarded as waste in the environment, can act as potential nutraceutical resources. Due to their low cost and easy availability such wastes are capable of offering significant low-cost nutritional dietary supplements in the form of orange peel powder in cookies. the orange peel powder waste used in various proportion viz, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 per cent levels for incorporation in cookies by replacing the Maida in the basis of overall sensory attributes, cookies prepared with 10 per cent orange peel powder were recorded higher acceptability as compared to other samples. It is calculated that orange peel powder and Maida can be substituted up to 10 per cent in Maida to prepared orange peel powder without adversely affecting attributes. |
Field | Biology > Agriculture / Botany |
Published In | Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024 |
Published On | 2024-07-12 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i04.24379 |
Short DOI | https://doi.org/gt4gk2 |
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