International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 7, Issue 2 (March-April 2025) Submit your research before last 3 days of April to publish your research paper in the issue of March-April.

Estimation of allelic, genotypic and Phenotypic frequencies for ABO and Rh blood groups among blood donors at the Central Blood Bank in Benghazi, Libya.

Author(s) Hameda Ali Mohamed Naser El-Mo, latifa Abdel-Hafid Jwieli, Nadia Eldarogi, Fatma Yousuf Mohammed Ziuo
Country Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Abstract Objective: to estimate the average of prevalence, allelic, genotypic, and Phenotypic frequencies for ABO and Rh blood groups among blood donors at the Central Blood Bank (2021) in Benghazi, Libya.

Methodology The study of blood group determination (hem classification) and Rh factor determination was carried out between January to December 2021 Calculations for allelic frequencies, genotypic frequencies and Phenotypic frequencies were based on Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.

Results: Phenotype O and allele O were the most common while, the least frequent was Phenotype AB and allele B. More than 86% population of this study is Rh-positive.
Keywords Blood groups, Rhesus, alleles frequencies, gene frequencies, Phenotypic frequencies, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium.
Field Biology > Genetics / Molecular
Published In Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024
Published On 2024-07-27
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