International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 7, Issue 2 (March-April 2025) Submit your research before last 3 days of April to publish your research paper in the issue of March-April.

A Brief Review of Underutilized Foods

Author(s) Nisha Choudhary, Dr. Vimla Dunkwal, Rekha Yadav, Dr. Shikatoli Wotsa
Country India
Abstract Present review article unveil the importance of underutilized foods. In this article, we have documented the uses of underutilized foods and summarized recent research into nutrient composition, health benefits and potentialities of underutilized foods. Underutilized plants with high nutritional and therapeutic potential and low input needs have been identified as a potential remedy for this concern. These foods are rich in carbohydrate, fat, protein, energy, vitamins, minerals & dietary fibers. They can be used as a cooling agent to lessen the adverse effects of strokes and treat a variety of illnesses, including scurvy, constipation, haemorrhage, leucorrhea, anemia, stomach discomfort and others. Additionally, value added product preparation through processing has the potential to generate employment.
Keywords Underutilized Foods, Health Benefits, Therapeutic Potential and Value Addition
Field Sociology > Health
Published In Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024
Published On 2024-07-27
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