International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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Emerging Dimensions Of Copyright Laws: Legal Implications And Futuristic Approach

Author(s) Dr Sanjay Sindhu, Ms Deeksha Kumari
Country India
Abstract Intellectual property pertains to the composition of the human intellect. And, the intellectual property right is basically an entitlement of jus in re propria over intangible things. In other words, it is a right over the skills, ideas and intellect of a person. It is fictional in nature and quite different from formal properties. It encompasses copyright, trademarks, service marks, geographical indications, patents, utility models, plant varieties, industrial designs, trade secrets and layout designs, among others. IPR have garnered significance in contemporary times. It has gained importance throughout the whole Nations in recent times. Now, it is no more a subject of law but also a subject of general or public interest. The purpose of enacting laws related to foster the advancement of science, technology, arts, literature and another creative works, while encouraging and rewarding creativity. India is widely recognized for its intellectual progress in fields such as software engineering, missile technology, and space missions, including lunar and interplanetary explorations. Despite these achievements, India lags significantly in engendering intellectual property rights (IPR) fortunes including registered patents, industrial designs, and trademarks. According to a recent report by the US Chamber of Commerce, India positioned 29th out of 30 countries in the global IP survey. This paper is an attempt to highlight the emerging dimensions of copyright laws with special reference to the legal implications and futuristic approach. This concerning scenario highlights the urgent need for the policymakers to strengthen India's IP infrastructure and policies because lack of IPR awareness and protection can lead to the demise of inventions, increased risk of infringement, and economic losses.
Keywords Intellectual Property Rights; Copy Right; Creators, Property; Right, Patent; Trade Mark; IndustrialProperty
Published In Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024
Published On 2024-07-30
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