International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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Industrial Radiography Testing & Technique Safety for Human Body

Author(s) Hardev, Rashmi Shrivastava
Country India
Abstract The use of Industrial Radiography for examining the quality of Weld joints is very popular worldwide. In India, many welding activities like construction and laying the huge pipelines for gas and water transportation and distribution as well construction of storage tanks are performed. The objects are working under high pressure and therefore, it is important to produce the weld beads with high quality. Industrial radiography uses ionizing radiation to view objects in a way that cannot be seen otherwise. The method has grown out of engineering, and is a major element of non-destructive testing (NDT) to inspect materials for hidden flaws. The radiation caused by these facilities is very dangerous however, with the use of new technologies and proper protection, risks of injury and death associated with radiation can be greatly reduced. Use or radiation sources are associated with a certain amount of radiation hazard. With proper card, this can be minimized. Radiation hazards may be broadly classified as external hazards an internal hazard. External hazards occur when the source of radiation is outside the body and internal hazards arise when the source for radiation gets into the human system. Hazard evaluation is necessary in order to adopt suitable measures to control radiation exposure. The problem of internal hazard does not arise in the use of X-ray equipment. It is considerably easy to estimate the external radiation hazard and there are a number of devices suitable for this purpose.
Keywords Ionizing Radiation, Radiographic Inspection, mR , HVT AND TVT, Radiation Devices Register, Safety, atomic number (Z) , Weld defects.
Field Chemistry
Published In Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024
Published On 2024-08-04
Short DOI

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