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Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Information Booklet On Knowledge And Attitude Regarding Organ Donation Among Non Health Professional Students At Selected College Of Jabalpur City

Country India
Abstract BACKGROUND organ donation is a unique social activity, every donor can save 8 lives and enhance over 75 lives, a living donor can donate his/ her one kidney, a segment of liver, a portion of pancreas and intestine and even a lobe of lung. after cardiac death, as blood circulation stops, the solid organs become unusable for transplantation. after cardiac death, as blood circulation stops, the solid organs become unusable for transplantation. so, solid organs like heart, lung, liver, pancreas and kidney can be donated by brain-dead donors as blood still circulates in these organs at the time of retrieval. but tissues like corneas, bone, skin and heart valves can be donated within first 24 hrs. of cardiac death. experts say that the organs from one donor can save or help as many as 50 people. Method the study utilised evaluative research approach with one group pretest post test design the data was collected from selected college of Jabalpur City using Purposive Sampling Technique the sample comprised of 60 Non Heath Professional students. The tool used was self structured knowledge questionnaire to asses knowledge and Self Designed Thurstone Attitude Scale to assess the attitude of Non Health Professionals. Pretest was conducted and subject were given Information Booklet to the subject and after a week post test was conducted Results: In the present study the pretest knowledge the majority had 41(85%) average knowledge and 9(15%) had poor knowledge while the pre-test knowledge score was 12.51 and SD was 4.06. and in post test the majority had 47(78.3%) good knowledge and 12(20.6%) had average knowledge while 1(1.1%) had poor knowledge, the post test knowledge score mean is 40.96 and SD is 2.79. which indicates there is rise in knowledge level of Non Health Professionals also the study found that 78.3% of non health professional had adequate knowledge, 53.1% had a positive attitude, towards organ donation. The Calculated value of Paired‘t’ test is 1.8544 which is higher than the table value of ‘t’ which indicates that the information booklet was highly significant.
Keywords organ donation, information booklet, knowlege, attitude ,non health professional
Field Medical / Pharmacy
Published In Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024
Published On 2024-08-17
Cite This Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Information Booklet On Knowledge And Attitude Regarding Organ Donation Among Non Health Professional Students At Selected College Of Jabalpur City - HINA LAZARUS, LEENA SHARMA, D.P. NAGAR - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i04.26051
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