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Volume 7 Issue 2
March-April 2025
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Mobile-assisted Language Learning Theory
Author(s) | Dolly Ann D. Caraca |
Country | Philippines |
Abstract | Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) promotes (1) autonomy of language learner’s in their own progress; (2) provides ubiquity in terms of time and milieu in language learning; (3) empowers language learners to be motivated and confident with their language learning achievement; (4) keeps the language learners to be relevant in 21st Century Education scheme; and (5) sustains language learners’ low affective filter in successfully learning the target language. This study sought to establish and generate a Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Theory in order to address the gap in successfully learning a second language. With this purpose, this study utilizes Deductive Axiomatic Approach in theory generation following the steps provided by Padua (2012) as cited by Cabello (2021). There are five (5) axioms construed: (1) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning is widespread used in the 21st Century Education due to its mobility in terms of portability and information accessibility features; (2) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning promotes ubiquity in self-directed language learning; (3) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning increases learner's motivation and confidence to study in all forms of learning milieu; (4) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning improves learner's cognitive capacity and autonomy through personalized learning ; and (5) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning supports students to learn in a friendly and stress -free environment. From these axioms, ten (10) propositions were formulated: (1) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should support compatibility concerns to various operating systems of mobile devices for optimal utilization of language learners; (2) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should provide progressive lessons to support Natural Order in language learning; (3) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should contain immediate feedback of the learner's assessments and responses ; (4) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should make the learning experience informative, interactive, and fun; (5) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should suit all forms of learning environment; (6) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should reinforce independent learning; (7) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should empower learners to monitor their own progress using their preferred learning pace and style ; (8) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should maximize learners' avenue to experience meaningful and productive language learning ; (9) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should amplify learners' skill in educational technology manipulation; and (10) Mobile-Assisted Language Learning should encourage language learners to achieve their learning goals and objectives. With these propositions, the Mobile-Assisted Language Theory is generated. All of the aforementioned elements and characteristics support the usefulness, effectiveness, and practicality of the Mobile-Assisted Language Learning. |
Keywords | Deductive Axiomatic Approach, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning Theory, Autonomy, Ubiquity, Motivation, Relevance, Low Affective Filter |
Field | Sociology > Education |
Published In | Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August 2024 |
Published On | 2024-08-31 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i04.26928 |
Short DOI | https://doi.org/gt9hb2 |
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