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Identification of Agricultural Socioeconomic Factor and Its Relationship with Exports of Palm and Palm Kernel Oils in Indonesia

Author(s) Muhammad Saleh Mire, Muhammad Hasan
Country Indonesia
Abstract The research aim was to study the influence of area size consisting of Government Estate (Government Estate), Private Estate (PBS), Smallholder (PR), price and exchange rate on production, and the influence of production, price and Exchange rate on palm oil exports which consists of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) using panel data for 2000-2022. Whether viewed from CPO or PKO, the results of the analysis show that the Government State has a real negative influence on production where the elasticity of the Government Estate for CPO towards production is lower than for PKO. The increase in production was significantly caused by the increase in PR for both CPO and PKO, where the elasticity of the increase in PR for CPO was higher than the increase in PKO. PBS provides a positive influence on production which is significant for PKO but not significant for CPO, while prices and exchange rates do not have an influence on CPO production, nor on PKO production. CPO and PKO exports are significantly influenced by prices, where CPO's price elasticity is higher than that of PKO. Furthermore, production and exchange rates have no influence on exports of either CPO or PKO, while the increase in CPO exports is determined significantly by PR, where the elasticity of CPO is higher than PKO.
Keywords Government Estate, Private Estate, Smallholder Production, Price, Exchange Rate and Export
Field Sociology > Economics
Published In Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024
Published On 2024-11-06
Cite This Identification of Agricultural Socioeconomic Factor and Its Relationship with Exports of Palm and Palm Kernel Oils in Indonesia - Muhammad Saleh Mire, Muhammad Hasan - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i06.29752
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