International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Wireless Sensor Network for Disaster Management

Author(s) Anil V Turukmane, Shaik Sahil, Bollavaram Varun Kumar Reddy, Neelam Aditya Sai Manikanta Subramanyam,
Country India
Abstract The Wireless sensor network for disaster management systems uses effective sensors to predict and monitor disasters and provide real-time alerts. A network of wireless sensors that measures water level to check or to update related to floods, detect frequency through accelerometer for earthquakes, and monitor temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure for unpredictable weather conditions, additionally gas sensors are used to detect harmful gases near industries allow for quick response at the time of disaster. This gave sufficient time to affected guardians nearby, as the system was able to provide a maximum coverage range of when disaster occurs. It works wirelessly, transmitting data to a central monitoring station for analysis and generation of alerts. It is also, due to the orientation of its principles, a better base for disaster recovery allowing faster responses and making it possible that decisions can be taken faster.
Keywords Wireless Sensor Network, Disaster Management, Real-Time Alerts, Flood Monitoring, Earthquake Detection, Environmental Monitoring, Gas Sensors, Early Warning System, Central Monitoring Station.
Field Computer Applications
Published In Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024
Published On 2024-11-30
Cite This Wireless Sensor Network for Disaster Management - Anil V Turukmane, Shaik Sahil, Bollavaram Varun Kumar Reddy, Neelam Aditya Sai Manikanta Subramanyam, - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i06.31605
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