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A Clinical Study Of Feto-maternal Outcome In Pregnancies With Abnormal Amniotic Fluid Volume At a Tertiary Care Centre

Author(s) Somya Agrawal, Vinita Agrawal
Country India
Abstract INTRODUCTION: The amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus serves several roles during pregnancy. It is an important indicator of fetal status and has become an integral part of fetal evaluation.
Oligohydramnios is diagnosed when ultra-sonographically the AFI is ≤5cm/ 5th centile. It affects
3-5% of pregnancies. Polyhydramnios is diagnosed when the amniotic fluid index is≥25cm/ 95th
centile affecting around 1% of all pregnancies. Assessment of amniotic fluid volume is a
helpful tool in determining who is at risk for potentially adverse obstetric and perinatal outcome.
METHODS:78 singleton, non-anomalous, low risk pregnancies with AFI ≤ 5cm and ≥25cm with
intact membranes and gestational age between 28 to term were included in this study. The AFI
was measured using Phelans four quadrant technique. An AFI of 5-24cm is normal. AFI of <5cm
was considered Oligohydramnios and ≥25cm was considered as polyhydramnios.
RESULTS: A total of 78 cases of isolated oligohydramnios and 17 cases of isolated polyhydramnios were assessed. In oligohydramnios group, 52.56% had vaginal delivery, 11.54% underwent elective
LSCS and 33.33% had emergency LSCS. In polyhydramnios, 58.82% had vaginal delivery,
23.53% underwent elective LSCS where as 11.76 % had emergency LSCS.17.95% and 23.53%
had meconium-stained liquor in oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios respectively. In
oligohydramnios, 6.41% of the babies had APGAR <7at 5 min. 19.23% had birth weight <2.5kg.
NICU admission was seen in 6.41% of babies. In polyhydramnios, 5.88% had APGAR < 7 at 5
min, 29.41% of babies were <2.5kg, 5.88% had NICU admission.
INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: The clinical study was conducted to know the feto-maternal outcome in pregnancies with abnormal liquor volume. The study showed that isolated oligohydramnios and isolated polyhydramnios have no adverse maternal and perinatal outcome when properly monitored in a tertiary care center.
Keywords Abnormal liquor volume, isolated oligohydramnios, isolated polyhydramnios
Field Medical / Pharmacy
Published In Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024
Published On 2024-11-27
Cite This A Clinical Study Of Feto-maternal Outcome In Pregnancies With Abnormal Amniotic Fluid Volume At a Tertiary Care Centre - Somya Agrawal, Vinita Agrawal - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i06.31797
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