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Emerging Trends and Challenges in Human Resource Management: A Review

Author(s) Monika Garg, Shilpa kansal
Country India
Abstract HRM operates in the dynamic environment. Any change in the external environment will bring along opportunities and threats for the organisation creating challenges for HR managers. This paper evaluates the various challenges and the most recent trends that have emerged in the Human Resource department in the past few years. The functionality of HR managers has transformed from recruitment process to a whole new significant role, which includes recruiting, selecting, retaining, training, compensation and of employees. Along with this a HR manager is supposed to deal with motivation, welfare, perks, remuneration, infringements, incentives and promotion of employees. This paradigm shift can be attributed to globalization that brought goals to be achieved by the HR department.. One more factor that revolutionized the HR department is technology which brought a positive impact. This radical change due to technology in HR department includes outsourcing, long-distance working model, overseas recruitment, flexible timing, and work from home option and so on. Globalization changed the scope of HRM and technology changed the functionality and approach of HRM. Because of the influence of globalization and technology HR department had to adapt to the changing times and so the scope of HRM has increased.
Keywords Human Resource Management, Globalisation, Technology
Field Business Administration
Published In Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024
Published On 2024-12-04
Cite This Emerging Trends and Challenges in Human Resource Management: A Review - Monika Garg, Shilpa kansal - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i06.32272
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