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An Assessment of the Informal Money Lending Practices to the Micro-entrepreneurs

Author(s) Dr. Cynthia A. Manalad, Annalyn Y. Buenaseda, Ma Lourdes H. Gomez
Country Philippines
The research study of An Assessment of the informal money lending
practices to the micro-entrepreneurs is applied to determine the ways
in understanding the behaviour of micro entrepreneurs. Also to create
and recommend long term solution for the problems encountered by the
micro entrepreneurs in terms of informal money lending.
This study used the descriptive method in gathering the
information about the reason of borrowing money, problems encountered
and advantages of informal money lending on the part of micro
enterprises. The descriptive method describes the real life
experience of micro entrepreneurs and how the informal money lending
affects the operation of the micro businesses.

The researchers used Simple random sampling in choosing the
respondents 25 vendor and 25 micro entrepreneurs, with the bracket of
21-30 years old with the total of 50 respondents. The tools used for
the analysis of data were percentage and weighted mean average.
The informal money lending is now a vital part of life
specifically in micro business for it is the easiest way to borrow
Micro entrepreneurs must know the significance of formal and
informal money lending because it plays an important role in the
Philippine economy.
Keywords informal money lending, micro entrepreneurs, behaviour, micro business, economy
Field Business Administration
Published In Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024
Published On 2024-12-10
Cite This An Assessment of the Informal Money Lending Practices to the Micro-entrepreneurs - Dr. Cynthia A. Manalad, Annalyn Y. Buenaseda, Ma Lourdes H. Gomez - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i06.32700
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