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Leveraging Badger DB for Enhanced Etcd Operations

Author(s) Kishore Kumar Jinka, B. Purnachandra Rao
Country United States
Abstract Across dispersed systems, Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that controls deployments, configurations, and application workloads. Kubernetes relies heavily on etcd, a distributed key-value store that serves as a consistent and dependable single source of truth for cluster configurations and state. Etcd guarantees data consistency between nodes, which helps Kubernetes stay coordinated and efficiently handle updates. When configuration changes are done using kubectl, for instance, the API server authenticates and approves the request before forwarding the adjustments to etcd, which subsequently distributes them among nodes. The implementation of etcd utilizing Ledger DB and Badger DB is examined in this study with an emphasis on performance comparisons. In terms of overseeing etcd's operations, preliminary results indicate that Badger DB performs better than Ledger DB. The study aims to validate these results, offering insights into optimizing etcd's data store implementations for enhanced performance in distributed systems.
Keywords Kubernetes (K8S), Cluster, Nodes, Deployments, Pod, configMaps, Secrets, Persistent Volume, Persistent Volume Claim, ReplicaSets, Statefulsets, Service, Service Abstraction, , Ledger DB , Badger DB. ETCD.
Field Computer Applications
Published In Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2021
Published On 2021-06-23
Cite This Leveraging Badger DB for Enhanced Etcd Operations - Kishore Kumar Jinka, B. Purnachandra Rao - IJFMR Volume 3, Issue 3, May-June 2021.

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