International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 7, Issue 2 (March-April 2025) Submit your research before last 3 days of April to publish your research paper in the issue of March-April.

The Evolution of Intermediaries in the Digital Age: A Cross-Industry Analysis of Channel Disruption and Value-Added Services in the Distribution Process

Author(s) Rupali Jadhav
Country India
Abstract This study employs a cross-industry comparison to analyze how intermediaries, including wholesalers, distributors, and agents, are adapting to the evolving distribution ecosystem (Arya and Mittendorf , 2013). The research explores the extent to which traditional distribution channels are being disrupted by digital technologies and the strategies intermediaries employ to remain relevant in the face of these changes (Flyvbjerg & Bester, 2021).Key findings from this research are expected to provide insights into the dynamic relationships between intermediaries and other stakeholders in the distribution chain (Flyvbjerg et al., 2018, 2014; Lorko, Servátka, & Zhang, 2021). Additionally, the study aims to contribute to the understanding of successful adaptation strategies employed by intermediaries in response to channel disruption and the imperative of embracing digital transformation.
Keywords Intermediaries, Distribution process, Channel disruption, Digital transformation, Value-added services, Cross-industry comparison
Field Business Administration
Published In Volume 6, Issue 6, November-December 2024
Published On 2024-12-22
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