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Volume 7 Issue 1
January-February 2025
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Impact of Mental Health on Menstrual Regularity: A Comprehensive Exploration of Stress, Anxiety, and Mental Health Conditions
Author(s) | Mannat Dhodi |
Country | India |
Abstract | The intricate interplay between mental health and menstrual regularity has garnered increasing attention in reproductive and mental health research. This study explores the impact of stress, anxiety, and broader mental health conditions on menstrual health, focusing on the hormonal and physiological mechanisms underpinning these relationships. The menstrual cycle, a complex biological process regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, is influenced by stress-induced disruptions from the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Chronic stress and anxiety are shown to alter hormone levels, leading to menstrual irregularities, including shortened or prolonged cycles, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea. A comprehensive literature review highlights significant findings, including the effects of cortisol on reproductive hormones, the role of progesterone in anxiety, and the bidirectional nature of mental and menstrual health. Irregular cycles, early menarche, and menstrual pain are identified as predictors of mental health issues, such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Additionally, lifestyle factors like diet, sleep, and exercise mediate this relationship, underscoring the need for holistic healthcare approaches. This study emphasizes the importance of integrated care models that address both mental and menstrual health, advocating for stress-reduction strategies, individualized pharmacotherapy, and inclusive research frameworks. The findings also call for more intersectional studies to understand how social, cultural, and demographic factors shape these interactions. Ultimately, this research underscores the critical need for a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach to women's health, offering actionable insights for clinicians, policymakers, and individuals to improve health outcomes and quality of life. |
Keywords | Menstrual Health, Mental Health, Stress, Anxiety, HPG Axis, HPA Axis, Hormonal Regulation, Menstrual Irregularities, Dysmenorrhea, Chronic Stress, Depression, PTSD, Reproductive Health, Lifestyle Factors, Holistic Care, Intersectional Health. |
Published In | Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025 |
Published On | 2025-01-04 |
Cite This | Impact of Mental Health on Menstrual Regularity: A Comprehensive Exploration of Stress, Anxiety, and Mental Health Conditions - Mannat Dhodi - IJFMR Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025. |
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