International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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Studies on Egg Hatching in Bombyx Mori L., on Industrial Perspectives

Author(s) Satyanarayana. B, Suvarna. G
Country India
Abstract Bombyx mori L., as in other insects has four stages in its life cycle; egg, larva, pupa and moth. In the entire life cycle of silkworm, the active eating period is larval stage. The active eating stage of insects starts from egg hatching. The complex behaviour of egg hatching is the initial marker in the life an insect. Thus, egg hatching in silkworm is the most crucial step in its life cycle, because the larvae are freed from the constraints of life in tiny eggs through egg hatching so that they are ready for furthering their biological destiny outside world. Among several developmental events in B. mori, hatching has been referred to as the first developmental marker event in the life cycle of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori and a decisive aspect in commercial silkworm rearing. It is well established that the daily rhythm in hatching in many insects is a gating event, controlled by circadian system. As in the other insects, hatching, in Bombyx mori too is a controlled by a circadian oscillator. It is also reviewed that the influence of external signals which regulates insect egg hatching and opined that light and/or temperature cycles are major ones. When the B. mori I continued in constant temperature and relative humidity, hatching has been accounted for its dependency on the voltinism for certain economic aspects such as hatching duration, hatching magnitude etc. However, the essential aspects of hatching rhythmicity did not show any difference. Comparative studies of on the first developmental event between two contemporary commercial silkworm hybrids, multivoltine x bivoltine hybrid (PM x CSR2) and bivoltine x bivoltine hybrid (CSR2 x CSR4), such as expression of hatching (%) on day to day basis, hatching durations on day to day basis under all major possible photoperiodic regimes, LD 12 : 12, DD and LL are scanty and such important information from the basic input for commercial exploitation of these silkworm hybrids. Thus, studies on hatching rhythmicity and other related economic aspects in two contemporary popular mulberry silkworm hybrids, PM x CSR2 and CSR2 x CSR4 are reported in the present chapter under three photoperiodic schedules viz., LD 12 : 12 (normal day), DD (continuous dark) and LL (continuous light) situations, keeping the temperature and humidity conditions constant. All the above review/introductions are of mere academic value. The silkworm rearing is a commercial based avocation for the silkworm grower. The application of scientific knowledge on hatching in silkworm is aimed development or re-examining of already developed technologies.
Keywords Key words: Bombyx mori L., egg hatching, Circadian system, voltinism,
Field Biology > Agriculture / Botany
Published In Volume 5, Issue 6, November-December 2023
Published On 2023-12-06

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