International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 7, Issue 1 (January-February 2025) Submit your research before last 3 days of February to publish your research paper in the issue of January-February.

Basement Membrane Alterations in Oral Lichen Planus and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Correlation with Laminin 5 Gamma 2 Expression

Author(s) Sabu Paul, Manjusha Mohanan, Latha Mary Cherian, Kristina Sabu
Country India
Abstract Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a prevalent chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects middle-aged women. There is a substantial chance that OLP lesions will acquire a cancerization field and undergo malignant transformation. Laminin 5 gamma 2, a key component of the epithelial basement membrane, was studied in oral lichen planus and oral squamous cell carcinomas using immunohistochemical methods in this study to understand its function. Ten cases each of clinically and histopathologically confirmed oral lichen planus and oral squamous cell carcinoma were included in this study. The stain distribution in each OLP and OSCC cases were observed in the basement membrane. Immunohistochemical expression of laminin 5 gamma 2 shows a continuous line of staining in the basement membrane in 8 cases of OLP. In oral squamous cell carcinoma most cases (5/10) showed a discontinuous basement membrane immunohistochemical staining pattern. In accordance to this study, laminin expression is more strongly associated with the malignant potential of premalignant lesions such as OLP, and its total absence indicates a poorly differentiated carcinoma.
Keywords Oral lichen planus,Oral squamous cell carcinoma, Laminin , Basement membrane
Published In Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025
Published On 2025-01-16
Cite This Basement Membrane Alterations in Oral Lichen Planus and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Correlation with Laminin 5 Gamma 2 Expression - Sabu Paul, Manjusha Mohanan, Latha Mary Cherian, Kristina Sabu - IJFMR Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2025.v07i01.35168
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