International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Smart Parking Revolutionizing Urban Parking Solutions (An Insight into IoT, Building Management Systems, and Their Role in Modern Parking Challenges)

Author(s) Ashok Kumar Kalyanam
Country United States
Abstract The incorporation of IoT technology and BMS, intelligent parking solutions take center stage in responding to modern urban parking challenges. The concept of smart parking has been discussed in this paper, focusing on how it can optimize the usage of parking space, reduce the time used in searching for parking slots, and improve the users' experience. IoT now allows for real-time monitoring and management of parking spaces with sensors, mobile applications, and data analytics, making the identification of available slots and navigation easy. Meanwhile, BMS integrates with IoT systems to provide a unified platform for efficient parking management, improving reserved and visitor parking solutions and offering seamless operations within urban buildings. These are very prolonged searches by employees for parking, lack of clear slot markings, and difficulty in navigation for visitors. The article presents some practical solutions to show how IoT and BMS technologies can revolutionize urban parking management and make cities smarter and efficient.
Keywords Smart Parking, Internet of Things, BMS or Building Management Systems, problems in urban parking, navigation for parking slots, smart cities, visitor parking, use of parking space, parking management solutions.
Field Engineering
Published In Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2022
Published On 2022-03-09
Cite This Smart Parking Revolutionizing Urban Parking Solutions (An Insight into IoT, Building Management Systems, and Their Role in Modern Parking Challenges) - Ashok Kumar Kalyanam - IJFMR Volume 4, Issue 2, March-April 2022. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2022.v04i02.35264
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