International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 7, Issue 1 (January-February 2025) Submit your research before last 3 days of February to publish your research paper in the issue of January-February.

Fragmented Identities and Cultural Reflections in Indian Some Women’s Writing

Author(s) Anandan S., Dr. Prasoon Tripathi
Country India
Abstract This paper focuses on the study of emerging, potent voices of selected women writers, Shashi Deshpande, Jhumpa Lahiri and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. Belonging to India gives these writers certain common ethical values and identity, while the differences between them result from the fact that living abroad widens the mental horizons of Indian women. These women are no doubt conditioned by the Indian upbringing but have risen above the traditional constraints. This paper attempts to describe the crisis and solution to ethical values and identity from India living in in the layers of selected works of Indian women writers. There is constant interplay of nostalgia and reality in their works. At a deeper level they show a conflict between tradition and modernity. The trials and tribulations and the struggle to maintain the modern values and to carve out an identity of their own in the new and ostensibly stifling environment of her protagonists makes them a feminist.
Keywords Ethical Values ,Hybridity, Self-discovery, Multiculturalism
Published In Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025
Published On 2025-01-19
Cite This Fragmented Identities and Cultural Reflections in Indian Some Women’s Writing - Anandan S., Dr. Prasoon Tripathi - IJFMR Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2025.v07i01.35434
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