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Volume 7 Issue 1
January-February 2025
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Villainous or Vilified? : Exploring The Representation of Witches As Female Villains In Animated Disney Films
Author(s) | G.Dhara |
Country | India |
Abstract | Visual representation of women in media is a widely discussed topic as it propagates a variety of stereotypes. From the textual to the visual format, these narratives followed by the visual representation have the ability to influence the viewers and ingrain certain ideologies in the mind. Disney, one of the biggest entertainment mediums, has a significant role in the creation of stereotypes and ideologies in people through their method of narration and presentation. Women, especially witches are one of the most targeted and villainised people from the history of witch hunts to fairy tales and later in Disney films. This extreme vilification leading to stereotyping happens through the exaggerated visual representation of these witches. This study therefore aims to study and analyse the visual representation of witches, the selective visual alterations and exaggerations done by Disney in select Animated Disney films in terms of the visual representation of witches from fairy tales to Disney films, a less explored aspect in the study of Disney female villains. The study utilises close reading of these visual texts through visual semiotics and Monstrous Feminine Theory by Barbara Creed to analyse these alterations and exaggerations |
Keywords | Villains, Gaze, Body Image, Monstrous feminine, Disney |
Field | Arts > Movies / Music / TV |
Published In | Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025 |
Published On | 2025-01-23 |
Cite This | Villainous or Vilified? : Exploring The Representation of Witches As Female Villains In Animated Disney Films - G.Dhara - IJFMR Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2025.v07i01.35571 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.36948/ijfmr.2025.v07i01.35571 |
Short DOI | https://doi.org/g82wph |
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E-ISSN 2582-2160

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