International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

Call for Paper Volume 7, Issue 1 (January-February 2025) Submit your research before last 3 days of February to publish your research paper in the issue of January-February.

Work-Life Balance Strategies On Personal Well-Being And Professional Effectiveness Among Teachers

Author(s) Sarah May Hallig Palanca
Country Philippines
Abstract Summary
This phenomenological study explored the work-life balance strategies of teachers in the Magallanes South District, Sorsogon Province, and their impact on personal well-being and professional effectiveness. Through qualitative data gathered via interviews and focus groups, the research revealed that while teachers recognize the vital importance of work-life balance and employ various strategies to achieve it, they face significant challenges, including workload pressures, stress, and limited institutional support. The study found that effective strategies positively influence teachers' well-being and effectiveness; however, substantial challenges persist. A proposed program focused on self-awareness, boundary setting, and institutional support aims to address these concerns. Recommendations include providing training, opportunities for self-care, and improved alignment of teacher assignments with expertise. This research highlighted the critical link between teacher well-being and educational effectiveness, advocating for institutional prioritization of teacher support.
The phenomenological research, conducted in the Magallanes South District of Schools Division Office of Sorsogon Province during the 2023-2024 school year, sought to understand the lived experiences of teachers as they navigate the complex demands of their profession and their personal lives. The study was rooted in the understanding that a healthy work-life balance is not just a luxury, but an essential ingredient for teacher well-being and optimal performance.
Through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, teachers shared their unique challenges, perspectives, and coping mechanisms. The research aimed to answer key questions: How do teachers perceive work-life balance? What strategies do they use to maintain it? How do these strategies affect their well-being and effectiveness? What
obstacles do they face, and how can schools better support them? Lastly, what program could be proposed to address these concerns?
The study revealed that teachers generally recognize work-life balance not just important, but crucial for fostering positive relationships, job satisfaction, and sustained well-being. The strategies they employ are diverse, ranging from setting clear boundaries and prioritizing tasks to actively practicing self-care and seeking support from family and colleagues.
However, the path to balance is not without its obstacles. Overwhelming workloads, intense stress, emotional fatigue, and a lack of adequate institutional support often stand on the way. While schools do offer some support through task assistance, resource sharing, and stress management programs, significant gaps in institutional support remain evident.
The good news is, that the study confirmed that effective work-life balance strategies positively impact teachers' personal well-being and professional effectiveness by reducing stress, promoting better health, and boosting their motivation. When teachers feel balanced, they are better equipped to thrive both inside and outside the classroom.
The study concluded with several recommendations. These include providing teachers with training on effective work-life balance techniques, creating opportunities for self-care and professional growth, and ensuring access to expert guidance. Schools are urged to adopt the proposed program, prioritize teacher well-being, and carefully align teacher assignments with their expertise. Furthermore, the research calls for future studies to explore innovative approaches to fostering work-life balance and evaluate the long-term impact of such programs on teachers’ effectiveness and overall well-being.
This research underscored a critical point: investing in teachers' well-being is not just a matter of compassion but a matter of educational effectiveness. By supporting teachers in achieving a healthy work-life balance, we are not only improving their lives but also creating a more positive and effective learning environment for all. This research work provides a valuable roadmap for schools and policymakers to prioritize teachers well-being and create a sustainable and fulfilling profession for those who dedicate their lives to shaping the next generation.
Keywords Work-life Balance, Personal Well-being, Professional Effectiveness, Teacher Effectiveness, Strategies, Teacher Well-being
Field Sociology > Education
Published In Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025
Published On 2025-02-21
Cite This Work-Life Balance Strategies On Personal Well-Being And Professional Effectiveness Among Teachers - Sarah May Hallig Palanca - IJFMR Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2025.v07i01.37274
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