International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Call for Paper Volume 7, Issue 1 (January-February 2025) Submit your research before last 3 days of February to publish your research paper in the issue of January-February.

“A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Early Ambulation on Involution of Uterus among Post Natal Caesarean Mothers Admitted in Government Doon Medical College& Hospital, Dehradun, Uttarakhand”

Author(s) Soniya Negi, Dr. Bijaya Mohanta
Country India
Abstract Introduction Pregnancy and birthing are two supernatural processes that form the creation of life. Many pregnant women prefer caesarean section due to labour pain. To reduce the complications and enhance the early recovery of mother, early ambulation is very effective. Caesarean section mothers still lie straight in bed for minimum 24 hours. Through the research study, I would like to encourage the post-partum mothers for early ambulation and check the effects of early ambulation on involution of uterus. Objective: To assess the involution of uterus in control and interventional group among post-natal caesarean mothers in pre-test. To evaluate the effectiveness of selected intervention in experimental group on involution of uterus after early ambulation. To find the association between pre-test intervention score with selected socio demographic variables. Method: The study design was quasi experimental research design in which total 70 samples were selected through purposive sampling technique, 35 samples were in control group and 35 samples were in experimental group. In this study, researcher assessed fundal height just after 6 hours of caesarean section delivery and initiated early ambulation which involves Assist patient in sitting position, assist in standing position and walking, breathing exercises, kegal exercises and leg sliding exercises. fundal height is monitored in experimental group after intervention and in control group also, to measure the differences between the fundal height. Results: The findings showed that the pretest mean score of control group was 17.23 with SD 0.899 similarily in experimental group was 17.10 with SD 0.778. The post-test mean score for control group was12.986 with SD 0.660 similarly in experimental group 10.083 with SD 1.376. P value in pretest was 0.5338 which was no significant showed that no significance difference between experimental and control group before intervention and p value of post test in control and experimental group is 0.0001 which was significant showed that there was significant difference in post test level of uterine involution among post natal caesarean mothers in control and experimental group. The mean difference between pretest & posttest of control group was 4.249 and in experimental group means difference was 7.026 this showed that there was significant effect of early ambulation in involution of uterus among post natal caesarean mothers. There was significant mean difference between post test of control and experimental group showed significant reduction in fundal height after early ambulation in experimental group. Conclusion: Therefore early ambulation was effective in reducing fundal height after caesarean section in post natal mothers.
Keywords Early ambulation, involution of uterus, post natal caesarean mothers.
Field Medical / Pharmacy
Published In Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025
Published On 2025-02-21
Cite This “A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Early Ambulation on Involution of Uterus among Post Natal Caesarean Mothers Admitted in Government Doon Medical College& Hospital, Dehradun, Uttarakhand” - Soniya Negi, Dr. Bijaya Mohanta - IJFMR Volume 7, Issue 1, January-February 2025. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2025.v07i01.37331
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