International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Understanding the Factors Determining District-Level Variation in Fertility in India

Author(s) Malay Das
Country India
Abstract Using the district-level estimates of fertility from the published source, data from District Level Household Survey-3 (DLHS-3), 2007-08, and data from 61st round of National Sample Survey (NSS), 2004-05, this paper examined the factors responsible for district-level variation in total fertility rate (TFR) in India, considering the districts as the units of analysis. The distribution and mapping analyses of districts based on the levels of TFR were carried out to understand the district-level variation in fertility. The multivariate analysis has been carried out to understand the factors determining district-level variation in fertility in India. Results showed that a large variation in fertility continued to exist among the districts of India. The levels of fertility were likely to be higher in the districts of northern states, compared to that of other parts of India. The factors such as female literacy, modern contraceptive use, ante-natal care, female workforce participation rate, size of Muslim population, and size of combined Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes population were found to be the most significant predictors of district-level variation in fertility in India. The regional location has a strong influence on fertility; likely to play significant role in shaping fertility.
Keywords Total Fertility Rate, District-Level Variation, Factors, Districts, India
Published In Volume 4, Issue 6, November-December 2022
Published On 2022-11-11
Cite This Understanding the Factors Determining District-Level Variation in Fertility in India - Malay Das - IJFMR Volume 4, Issue 6, November-December 2022.

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