International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

E-ISSN: 2582-2160     Impact Factor: 9.24

A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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Effective Role of Emerging Technologies in Teaching and Learning Process

Author(s) Dr. Umaji Ananda Patil
Country India
Abstract The present paper sought to analyze the effective role of modern emerging technologies in the teaching, learning process. In the advent of globalization the conventional teaching and learning process has undergone drastic changes. Due to the globalization new era of techno-savvy generation has came into existence. Due to the new learning platforms the world has become very unique. The internet, information communication technology, virtual class room system, various online learning platforms have heralded a new era which is considered to be boon for the new educational system. The application of information communication technology is recent scenario and it has become key focus for the academicians, students and research scholars. The effective integration of the ICT (Information Communication Technology) devices poses challenges to the teachers and management. The study focuses on the student centric use of ICT facilities and it's outcomes for the further development in learning process. The students can grasp the knowledge only by the use of effective technological devices. The present study takes reviews of various platforms which are available from authentic webs and apps. Any field of knowledge is not away from the touch of emerging technology. Google Classroom, Jamboard, Zoom application, Smart classrooms, Virtual classroom, Teachmint, Google Meet and Microsoft Team etc. are the effective digital platforms which are supposed to be the best way to establish student centric and effective teaching learning process. The present paper aims to explore the reciprocality between application of digital mode of the teaching and learning. This overall inclusive application of ICT is known as E-learning.
Keywords ICT, Technologies, Virtual Classroom, Application
Field Computer > Data / Information
Published In Volume 4, Issue 4, July-August 2022
Published On 2022-08-03
Cite This Effective Role of Emerging Technologies in Teaching and Learning Process - Dr. Umaji Ananda Patil - IJFMR Volume 4, Issue 4, July-August 2022. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2022.v04i04.019
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