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Research Project on the Factors Impacting Gun Fatalities in the US and the Most Effective Gun Laws Using Correlation and Regression Analysis

Author(s) Viti Sachdeva, Anne Paoletti Bayna
Country India
Abstract This paper is a study of various factors impacting gun violence in the US over the last decade. The factors chosen for this analysis are Social - Mental Illness; Economic - Unemployment, Consumer Price Index and Personal Income; Demographic – Gun Ownership and Legal- Gun Laws. Data for this analysis is sourced from various government bodies and forums. The compiled data has been analyzed using correlation and regression analysis to study the strength of correlation of each of these factors to gun violence fatalities. Based on the correlation analysis, a further analysis has also been done to examine the most impactful gun laws that have been implemented by some States, which can be effective in controlling gun violence in other States as well.
Keywords correlation analysis, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, multivariate correlation analysis, regression analysis
Field Mathematics > Statistics
Published In Volume 5, Issue 5, September-October 2023
Published On 2023-10-24
Cite This Research Project on the Factors Impacting Gun Fatalities in the US and the Most Effective Gun Laws Using Correlation and Regression Analysis - Viti Sachdeva, Anne Paoletti Bayna - IJFMR Volume 5, Issue 5, September-October 2023. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2023.v05i05.7837
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