International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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A Widely Indexed Open Access Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Bi-monthly Scholarly International Journal

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The Review Article of Medicinal Uses Reetha and Shikakai

Author(s) Samarth Bhaskar Patil, Vijay V. Pawar
Country India
Abstract Historic textiles cannot be washed in a washing machine or with a commercial detergent. Washing of historic textiles in textile conservation is done after considering various factors such as the condition of the textile, age of textile, color fastness of dyes, type of fiber, and type of stain. Washing of historic textiles is done to remove unwanted materials such as dust, dirt, stains, etc, which may be damaging to the textile object. Organic surfactants have been used in India as detergents and shampoos for ages. They have been widely used in the laundry industry and researched for their medicinal properties. Moreover, organic surfactants are easily available, cheap, and eco-friendly. The aim of this study was to find out the main cleaning agent (saponin) present in reetha, shikakai (acacia concinna) by GC-MS and to find out the potential of reetha and shikakai as natural surfactants for washing historic textiles.
Field Medical / Pharmacy
Published In Volume 4, Issue 6, November-December 2022
Published On 2022-11-12
Cite This The Review Article of Medicinal Uses Reetha and Shikakai - Samarth Bhaskar Patil, Vijay V. Pawar - IJFMR Volume 4, Issue 6, November-December 2022. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2022.v04i06.983
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